I had the chance to play one of the original cabinets at a tech museum exhibit in my town. It's ultimately fine as a curiosity, but not a game that I would readily play again. But games had to start somewhere...just don't mention "Spacewar" or "Tennis for Two."

I played the Bongcloud opening and lost. 10/10 would play again.

Kanashiiiiiiimi nooooooooooo

Phase one: spanking the monkey to get that bop that plays at 200 MPH.
Phase two: spanking the monkey as slowly as you possibly can.

Best played with a friend so you can laugh at this game's interpretations of what constitutes "science" or "leisure."

I got a point. That's good enough for me.

Slightly more competently made that the more-infamous NES cartridge. It doesn't crash nearly so much, the games are a little easier to control and not just copy-pasted, more two-player options, etc. The fact that "Pong" is one of the games is really funny.

I beat this game, but only because Kyle Reese told me I had to.

I played the demo of this hundreds of times growing up. Better cook those burgers!

It's all fun and games until you reveal the skunk in Skunk Money.

Essentially baby's first "Carmen Sandiego," and not a very good game in general. It's based on the "Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?" TV series (which is unironically good), coming complete with all the really bad puns--minus the charm--and excessive spoonfeeding.

Decent game for the young ones. I remember the section about poison for some reason.

I will never get my pilot's license.

I once played a cabinet of this game where the players would stand right by a heating vent. Talk about immersive!