A pretty cool game to remind me that I'm a big nerd without social interaction who knows a lot about video games!

My mother let me play this game. Thanks, Mom.

I was 10 years old, living a peaceful life with my wife, 2 children, playing Nyan Cat: Lost in Space on my computer. And now here I am at 19 years old, single without news of the children, addicted to League of Legends.

I played this game when I was younger and I remember thinking it's like Bomberman but for PC gamers. And now here I am addicted to League of Legends.

DON'T PLAY THIS GAME IF YOU ARE JEWISH. ( I don't know why I played this game but it was pretty chill)

I finally understand history with this game. Why is every history teacher complicating things so much? Good game, I enjoyed it when I was younger.

Those Eyezmaze games are good as hell. They are so simple and short but actually fun to play, even if they are hard for my little brain (I have a tumor).

It says a lot about society..... Itadakimasu.

Probably Genshin but better, I don't know. I only played at launch and then stopped it was pretty boring. I prefer League of Legends.

I'm Thaleko's little brother.... Anyways, don't ask me for an autograph.

The only time you will see Giga Mongus Big Chungus Hitler version versus you. Funny game rapidly being boring but still spend good time on it.

I played one match, and then I remembered I was addicted to League of Legends.

It's like having a better bedroom than you actually have. This game pissed me off it actually reminded me how bad my life is. Otherwise, a funny free game was a good experience.

League of Legends for kids. I played it at its launch; it was funny. Some champs were better than others. Actually, it's difficult to make a balanced MOBA. Funny with friends, and with this game, you make friends, compared to League of Legends where you make enemies.

I'm too retarded to play this daily game !