Game to show everyone in class that you are a big nerd with no real life.

I remember buying this game and 1 month later it being free on Epic. This is why I never wanted to play this game ever again. Good game anyway!

I hope this game will help me get a girlfriend. I'm sure of it.
Unlucky, this is a free mobile game, so you need to watch ads. But this game is like CoC for cockers like me.

One of the best games I've ever played in my life (don't ever play this game, you will pêter your crane).

I remember one night playing with some people. I was really enjoying it, but they never called me back to play with them. They probably hated playing with me.

Tina is absolutely boring and cringe. I really think that Borderlands' humor is finished like everyone's grown up, we don't laugh anymore about poop and pee (this is why the movie will probably be bad). There is 99% storytelling for 1% gameplay (it's a spinoff, by the way, nobody cares about the story of a spinoff game). I stopped playing during the fight versus Dry'l, it was actually amazing, but I was too underleveled. Boss fights are the only good things about the game. Classes were mediocre, and the fact that you can have different melee weapons was a good idea. I never found a legendary weapon, which was kinda sad, so the weapons were not as good as in Borderlands 3. The board to travel between worlds was a pretty cool mechanic, but the encounter mechanics were a bit boring; it should have been mini-bosses instead of some random crabs with 1 HP that spawn 48978 times, making it very long to clear.

Maman j'ai un truc à t'apprendre t'as des super pouvoirs. Ah bon ?? Oui tu sais voler Vasy essaie saute par la fenêtre !!

I only remember playing the League of Legends Quiz.

Bello! Luk-at-tu Gelato Poopaye!

Cool rally game, but I prefer League of Legends.

Unluckily, they decided to poop on everyone face. I remember when they hyped the game, saying that it would be open-world, and two days after its release, they said, 'Oh, there is no open-world, but those maps are pretty big.' Oh, cool, big maps with nothing to do in them. Thanks, guys! Very disappointed, but it's fine; they caught up with TP2.

A very funny game. Very short, but it really does the job for a little party with friends while holding each other's dicks.


ya pas a flop comme ça en vrai