Expected something better from open world Mirrors Edge

Very fun stealth game
Played this without knowing anything about the series previous to this and still had fun

Honestly expected something better

I don't get how people enjoy games like these

This game is pretty fun to play with a friend
Cool guns and boss fights

It's a tennis game
Good for like an hour or two

Not a bad game honestly
Fun weapons and mechanics that offer a good challenge

I'd describe this game just with meh

Honestly not bad, just that killing titans again and again and again gets kinda repetetive
You start feeling like a good though while getting more upgrades which is very nice

For when these games came out they're pretty good, although it felt kinda tedious gathering clues and some of the answers honestly kinda stupid
I enjoyed it quite a lot before leaving it, plan on picking it up again one day tho

A game where a talking banana shows you how to kill people

I pumped too much sewage and my river became brown

Literally tried my best for these people and those fuckers still exiled me