One of the most interesting games to come out

Visually fantastic and fun to play with other random people

Would like to continue playing it but it's kinda repetetive

I got through 1/3 of the game and got so bored
The theme about honor and the combat got old very fast

This game cringy af, plus the characters were pretty boring and I hate Chloe and Max

Not the worst but it really hasn't aged well
The social links are honestly some of the worst here, we got: pedo teacher victim, some guy in a club, a jealous girl, a scammer
There are a few that are very good but most of them really aren't that great
Plus the whole dating system is so stupid it's not even funny
And Tartarus gets boring after exploring it for the 15th time

Not worth the price but still good

Like it's very good and fun but just gets kinda boring and I don't really feel like I want to come back and play more