Another game where gamers turn into five star voice actors when they are about to die. This game is incredibly hilarious and can be extremely scary. I love the proximity chat. The ambient noise along with the art design add to the eeriness of the game. Glad my friend gifted this to me.

Didn’t finish it, big chance I won’t. The grind is too much and the gameplay is just not enjoyable. The art and ost are beautiful even for the moody tone but the 3D models are bad. Story seemed interesting yet very predictable. Shelving it for now, might pick it up later but I want to try some other games out.

A Korean Netflix drama ripoff buggy mess filled with lobbies that remind me of the MW2 days.

A true masterpiece.

A beautiful HD remaster of the prequel to FF7. The new graphics, voices and OST were amazing. It was short but told what needed to be told. Lovable characters that, even with how crazy it can get, felt real. Embrace your dreams.

Got this game on launch for my PS4 and played it on my PS5. The game was in such a horrid state that I barely played it. But over time they polished most of the bugs and made the game playable. The Cyberpunk: Edgerunners anime peaked my interest to give it another try, and boy did it not disappoint. I did experience crashes but I chalked that up due to the mods I was running, but still it was nothing like how it was on launch. The fine detail they put into building this world is phenomenal. It was more open world action adventure than RPG but that was okay to me. I'm excited to see what other things CDPR can do to build this incredible world even more.

Also, Judy best girl.