"The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing." ― Deishuu Kaiki

A work of clear passion and love in every aspect of its creation. Far from flawless, but its imperfections can be drowned out by how wonderful the whole is.

This takes the core foundations of the souls genre and injects its own unique soul into it, its own mechanics, world and improvements to the formula that feel fresh yet familiar. Not all it's attempts at reinventing the wheel worked perfectly, but what really stuck with me is how interesting the weapons and customisation of them are, really allowing you to find a style that works perfectly.

I fell in love with the world and story, the world feels well fleshed out and well planned, all the references to other works of literature are full to pick up on. Fans of Fromsofts more quiet storytelling maybe annoyed about how much clearer things are here, the story isn't subtle in its main themes, but for me and I imagine most it's not much of a issue.

It's far from flawless, my playthrough was wraith with some enemy/enviroment pop-in from time to time and not all the areas are designed equally in terms of enjoyment. I also have some issues with cheap kills being a constant go to in terms of enemy placement, it becomes predictable to the point when I saw a corner, theres likely some guy winding up a attack.

I also think the difficulty trails a bit by the end, the final 2 bosses feeling a bit of a let down in terms of challenge, that or I "got too good", remains to be seen.

Overall, it's really special, it maybe a imitation, but in all it's attempts to be unique, it found its own idenity.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2024
