It is crafted to be fun. To make every encounter a literal jungle gym of death and dismemberment. Every gun has its place and purpose and serves the fun of the game in it's own way. The Super Shotgun/Grapple hook combo is one of the best weapons in gaming history, no exaggeration. Blowing chunks out of demons is primally satisfying. The story is there, if you want it, but every hand that touched this game knows it plays second satanic fiddle to gameplay. Traversal during combat burns the pace into your mind with it's unceasing and boundless spontaneity.

I have three complaints.

It starts to feel bloated around 3/4s through. Taras Nabad, notably.

Sometimes the platforming sections got really annoying.

I am not the biggest fan of death metal and it rarely ever stops. I wish they had leaned heavier into the original synth-heavy Doom OST instead of the mind-numbing guitar, but, hey, horses for courses.

I got it on mega-sale and it was damn worth it. Ran mostly well on the Switch (one crash?). I wish I (and I assume we) didn't have such a massive backlog and catalogue because this one implores mastery. I can only imagine what a pro speedrunner looks like. Probably the seraphim himself.

Reviewed on Mar 16, 2023
