Wife’s Reaction:
“It’s like Persona without the story. ”

All Gods Must Die:
The best way I can describe SMTV is a cross between Persona, Pokémon, Dark Souls, and Breath of the Wild. It has great atmosphere, music, and exploration, and it’s the best the Press Turn combat has been. But it’s long in the tooth, too light on story, and just wasn’t exciting enough by the end.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2023


1 year ago

i'd like to know out of curiosity why this game reminds you of dark souls considering its concept, setting, gameplay, music and art direction shares absolutely nothing in common
If I had to guess it's because of the difficulty, dumb but the most likely reason

1 year ago

i'd like to know out of curiosity why a gamer such as yourself has a wife considering the concept of being a gamer shares absolutely nothing with that of a normal human being, please clarify

1 year ago


1 year ago

This is the worst description of a Shin Megami Tensei game I've ever read.

1 year ago

I don't like you as a human being

1 year ago

The game reminded me a lot of Dark Souls because of its atmosphere and the exploration. It's not a one-to-one likeness obviously, but it constantly felt like it to me. Just one guy's feeling. That's all. :)