what i don't get is why some call it honey in the sky
like there is no honey in the game and there sure isn't any in the damn sky

The Limit Cut episode has arguably better boss fights than the ones on KH2FM and it's the peak of the franchise gameplay wise, but you have to play trough the main game to get good gear and play the ReMind episode, which recicles almost the whole main game final bosses for 2/3rds of its duration.

-1/2 star because it made me play let it go

Para la mayoría, resumir Sin & Punishment suele reducirse a algo tan sencillo como señalar sus locuras y esperar que ello le haga justicia; una acción realmente floja que no empieza siquiera a esbozar las proezas de lo que posiblemente sea el mejor videojuego de la consola: un inquebrantable estilo, una dirección cinematográfica que apoya al ritmo, una banda sonora frenética que se acopla perfectamente a su acción, un fuerte pulido en sus controles para nunca romper el flujo de juego, una cohesión brillante entre sus sistemas para atrapar al jugador en su bucle, un diseño de enemigos que prevé de un reto justo y variado, y una serie de niveles que otorgan un sentimiento de escala constante a sus eventos.

Sin embargo, lo que se suele ignorar es la narrativa que su caótico relato ofrece al paquete, el cual nos esconde un mensaje sobre los desafíos de la intimidad humana, y nos advierte del cómo construir relaciones sin afecto y vulnerabilidad nos lleva a la manipulación, y a algo no muy diferente de bestias sin libre albedrío. Se acopla admirablemente a las pretensiones jugables: es un trabajo que, al igual que sus protagonistas, entiende perfectamente su propia naturaleza, dejando a relucir la total sinceridad de sus creadores.

~ ANÁLISIS COMPLETO: https://youtu.be/GxGmLpnvPxM ~

Yo después de 10 horas de stream (descarrile el bus a las 2 horas):

While streaming this game I got a headache, three friends got nauseous and a fourth one fell asleep just for him to comment an hour later that he had an awful dream regarding cockroaches.

An actual physical and psychological hazard, don't play it.

Needs more Gackt (a statement applicable to every videogame ever)

To give meaning to the meaningless.
To set things right after death.
To destroy a black flower,
And bloom a precious one in its stead.

having the time of my life seeing fg fans seething over a silly vtuber game having rollback instead of their favorite 10 concurrent players dead game lmao

A circle.
A drawing that closes on itself.
A repetition of images.
A symbol from times past.
A dream about dreaming.
A promise I can't remember.
A moment I hate reliving.
A downward spiral.
Perhaps, this is hell.

...no, that's wrong.
It is just a circle.
So just erase it.
And start over.

How they fuck up this concept is beyond my comprehension. So underwhelming I actually got mad with it.


Story is god awful, but it goes to show how stupidly good its gameplay is that i had to give it this score nonetheless.

Also Rabi-Ribi's aesthetics >>> Tevi's aesthetics, this is #fact.