Log Status






Time Played

46h 18m

Days in Journal

9 days

Last played

March 10, 2024

First played

March 2, 2024

Platforms Played


Wow, where do I even begin with this game? It was an absolute masterpiece that left me in awe from start to finish. From the moment I started playing, I was completely immersed in the captivating world that was created. The attention to detail was mind-blowing, and every aspect of the game was meticulously crafted.

However, there was one aspect of the game that left me feeling a bit frustrated - the full synchronization requirement for missions. While I understand the desire to challenge players and encourage them to fully explore the game, it felt like an unnecessary hurdle at times. Some missions became frustratingly difficult, and it felt like I was constantly replaying them just to achieve that 100% completion.

Another issue that I encountered were the bugs. It was disappointing to come across certain guild challenges that didn't trigger properly. It took away from the overall experience and left me feeling a bit let down. However, I must say that despite these setbacks, I still thoroughly enjoyed the game.

One of the highlights for me was the fantastic blend of Ezio and Altair's stories. The way their narratives intertwined was brilliantly executed, and it added a whole new layer of depth to the game. It was fascinating to see how their paths crossed and how their stories ultimately connected.

And let's not forget about the ending - it left me craving for more! The way the story wrapped up was both satisfying and tantalizing. It left me with so many questions and a burning desire to continue the journey. It's a testament to the game's storytelling and world-building that it left such a lasting impact on me.

In conclusion, despite the frustrations with the full synchronization requirement and the bugs, this game was an absolute joy to play. The immersive world, captivating story, and unforgettable characters made it an experience like no other. I can confidently say that this game will go down as one of my all-time favorites.