The greatest game ever made

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2022


personally, it does have some faults some of the other games dont have, Bloodborne is still better imo

I think DS3 and Sekiro honestly are too

2 years ago

ds3 has half of the worst bosses in the entire series with dumb gimmicks. Sekiro a different game entirely so can't really judge it fairly. Bloodborne has been trapped on a shitty console with bad frame pacing, awful chalice dungeons that they made seem more important than it actually is, and has most of its best content locked behind dlc.
Dark souls 3 still has the best set of bosses overall

And bloodborne is still a masterpiece
Idk why I'm giving you attention when you're a known troll lmao

2 years ago

cool I can say elden ring as the best set of bosses overall as well and elden ring is still a masterpiece.

You're also a known shit stirrer constantly messaging random bullshit on most reviews of random people by questioning their opinions. Get out of here
elden ring reuses so many bosses and has too many bullshit bosses for it to be a masterpiece, it was looking like one but its still a 9/10

and no, I dont troll
and actually, thinking about it, I'm not even a huge fan of chalice dungeons but I think I'll take those over all the catacombs/caves/mines. There weren't as many and they had unique bosses/enemies in them

2 years ago

both are optional and both contain unique bosses mixed with a lots of reuse. If anything at least you don't need catacombs for a plat.
actually, you do need to do a lot of the catacombs for the plat, as a bunch of them contain talisman

and I dont think I've done a single optional side dungeon that has had a completely original boss. They all get reused somewhere else in the game
omg, legendary talisman and not regular talisman, damn this platinum is worse than I thought. Just looked it up, out of the 100+ bosses, there are only 6 truly unique ones, that dont get reused in some way, yeah no that is not good

2 years ago

so you're talking about things as fact without playing it? get both plats then come back and fight every boss because apparently you didn't do that either
yes, it is a fact that there are only 6 completely unique bosses