Like Resident Evil 5, I played through RE6 with a friend who already had played the game and knew what they were doing. Without them, this game would've been SIGNIFICANTLY worse, and it was already a pretty miserable game to play.
Similar to RE5, this game has horrible controls, and they’re especially bad if you’re on PC. Unlike RE5 though, you can’t really fix them. I had a really hard time navigating the in-game menu, which is an issue in itself, (I’ll touch on it later). The sensitivity is extremely high, even when brought down as low as possible. You have to go into the files if you want to lower it to an actually reasonable level. Also, I couldn't tell what brightness to actually set the game at because of the opening, "adjust the brightness until the 6 is barely visible," thing.
Now, the menu I mentioned earlier refers to the in-game options menu. This thing is actually abysmal, and it also changes depending on what character you’re playing as (which is extremely disorienting). Chris probably has one of the most annoying and unintuitive menus out of any game I’ve ever played.
The main reason these menus suck, though, is because finding your way to specific settings (i.e. using a reticle or laser-sight) is an actual nightmare. It’s all labeled in a weird, confusing way that makes it really hard to find settings in a timely manner. I often had to waste minutes at the beginning of chapters looking for specific things (like aim sensitivity).
The gameplay of RE6 is.. Something. Sometimes, it’s okay (or actually fun!), but other times it’s genuinely painful to trudge through. At some segments in the game, you will just die, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Be it a bug where you spawn in a bad spot, or just a QTE that you literally don’t have enough time to respond to (bonus points if it’s more than one in a sequence). Certain gameplay sequences have locked camera angles that will get you killed. Some of the puzzles are really rough to figure out, and don’t exactly feel rewarding. Some of the skills you can buy are a joke (the one that supposedly “steadies your aim” does basically nothing), but you get so many goddamn skill points in places where ammo would be much more useful. At least ammo (for the weapons you don't use) is plentiful.
On the topic of gameplay, I have to note that the weapons feel significantly worse than they did in RE5. For some reason now, your characters can’t fucking hold their breath for even 10 seconds to steady their aim. I don’t know how anyone thought that much shaking was a good idea. It makes aiming with some weapons really unreliable, which is never a good thing.
Something that really shines in this game, for me, was the story. I actually really liked uncovering everything the game had to offer through the 4 different campaigns. But, because it’s RE6, there was something bad about this, too. During the first campaign, you learn next to nothing about the story, which leads to some infuriating dialogue where Leon asks someone, “what’s going on?” and they respond with, “there’s no time to explain,” or just ignore him (or some sort of thing happens like a building starts to collapse). Your first partner, Helena, is also extremely annoying at times and isn’t that compelling of a character (you will also hate the word ‘cathedral’ after playing). A lot of the core plot elements could be solved if the characters just fucking talked to each other for a second, which is also really annoying. The cinematography and music (for the most part) is really impressive though, which almost excuses some of the more insufferable parts. The cutscenes alone are really good, so if you're interested in the story, it might be nice to just look them up.
Another positive is, just like RE5, there were moments in this game where I was actually crying due to how much I was laughing. Sometimes, the instant death that happens can be really funny, and you can spam voice lines once again! For example, during Chris and Piers’ campaign, you can get Chris to just scream “GET OUT OF THE WAY!” at Piers repeatedly while doing other things (hilarity ensues). Also, during Ada’s route, there’s one segment in which her standard line, “go make an impression,” becomes, “showtime!” While I was playing, I started spamming that line, but then Ada fucking died. That was really funny.
Anyway – overall, Resident Evil 6 is a pretty bad game. If you have an experienced friend to play with, go ahead. it’ll be less infuriating with them around. The only reason I came back to this game was so that I could write this review. Seriously, I was so frustrated with this game at so many spots. Just watch a playthrough from someone you like online, that's probably far more bearable.

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2023
