Rance games are the funniest things ever, that is, they are if I can cheat my way through the actual gaming elements. I respect Sengoku Rance's ambition as a strategy game, but as for Kichikuou, this type of gameplay just isn't for me. Plot-wise however, the game is exceptional. I didn't think I would get a story as huge and great as VI's anytime soon but damn was it GOOD. There are so many fun characters and interesting stories to discover that one playthrough is far from enough to see everything the game has to offer. And we keep learning more about the world's structure and its hidden authorities. The soundtrack is the strongest in the series so far, mixing traditional Japanese instruments with modern guitar arrangements, enhancing the game's enchanting and addictive atmosphere. Kou and Kenshin my beloved.

Funniest game in the series so far. The story itself felt kind of loosely paced, but it was perfect, as it gave a more slice-of-life and relaxing dimension to the interactions between old and new characters. And when the serious stuff starts moving, it’s absolute kami. Especially Magnum content and everything surrounding the church, Am, and Crook. My only complaint would be the dungeon exploration which I found boring. RESET MY BELOVED

I was extremely hyped about the new Helman arc since it was first teased back in Rance VI epilogue, hoping to finally see again all the amazing characters Kichikuou introduced, and damn did it deliver. The story is absolutely KAMI, some plot threads from Rance IV are finally getting bound again in what is a grandiose tale about a fallen prince overthrowing a corrupt government with the help of our favorite heroes, coming from all around the world. I loved every single character whether it was the 無法者 guys, heroines, or even Helman generals. The sense of camaraderie between each faction of this massive conflict is what made me truly connect with them. I had goosebumps several times, even at the most trivial interactions. Seeing guys like Rick, Tourin and Patton joking about training together, or Maria and Freak discussing robots, Rolex trying his best at making Rance earnestly compete with him... At times I was asking myself if what I was reading wasn't fanfiction, genuinely happy about getting to see all of these characters together on screen. This just shows how immersive this game is. You’re LIVING the revolution, chasing Rance and Patton’s backs, fearlessly facing the rawest antagonists in the series, but also taking time to romance the cute heroines and bonding with the revolutionary team through silly banter. I can’t help but think about how Rance 10 is technically FIVE TIMES bigger than what I just experienced, I’M SO HYPED I’m downloading it as I’m typing these words. I hope I’ll see more of MIRACLE SAMA MY BELOVED.

A few technical points now. Orion just keeps improving, the sprites and CGs here are by far the strongest in the series so far. Soundtracks were also great, Running to the Straight might be my favorite boss theme of all time https://youtu.be/J-L8VzdCdzk H-scenes writing was the poorest in the whole series. Maybe my expectations are getting higher now that these games finally feel like "modern" eroge, but this is also the first time I felt like voice acting was truly lacking in these scenes. About gameplay… let’s just say it’s easy to overlook its stupidity if you can cheat.

Now onto the 決戦…


Most beautifully written thing I've ever read in Japanese. An oneiric experience, I fell in love with Mareni's prose. The text feels rhythmic, never boring despite its sheer density; I joked about it with a friend but it felt like reading a Balzac or Zola novel, but with all the textual complexity the Japanese language can offer. This man could describe the most mundane thing ever, like a cat crossing the street or paint drying on a wall, and I would be BRICKED UP through it all. Now imagine the h-scenes... Also, as strange as it might sound, the greatest appeal of the game to me wasn't even the enthralling nostalgic 世界観, but rather the seductiveness of the heroines. Each of their features is detailed in such a delicate and erotic fashion, I was DROOLING at almost every Emilia scene. Music was very good too. Looking forward other Mareni titles.

started out as interesting despite the cliche setting and tropes, but ended up going down as a bland and embarrassing mixture of all the things it tried to copy. Ridiculously cliche characters, weird interactions, an absolute clown as an antagonist, hilarious attempt at a grand metaphysical finale as great as FF10 or 7... this game is an insult to the FF franchise. I have also glimpsed some bits of the English dub, another embarrassment for this kusoge.

Didn't really buy into the friend group's dynamics but the storytelling of the routes made up for it. Yomi's especially is a treat for scaji fans. And Hina's kinda resonated with me. I'll probably read Ruka's later this month.

One of the strangest things I've ever read, on par with Dogra Magra that is to say. These two works have a lot in common now that I think about it.. Cool aesthetic and music overall.

Miki best girl!!! Azusa was so sweet and her ending was even emotional. Chihaya's route was surprisingly dark. Skipped Ritsuko's because the gameplay was starting to become repetitive.