- The writing in this game sounds like it was written by a year 7 student doing creative writing. Gamers who've never read a book should be impressed.
- There's a lot of filler dialogue too, e.g. constant flashbacks even though the thing that they're flashbacking to happened literally 2 minutes ago.
- The 'free time' portions of the games are pretty boring too as they don't flesh out the characters or have fun scenarios.
- I played this game dub and for the most part the voice acting was good except for the main character who sounds like the burger foot lettuce guy.

However if you can handle going through the dialogue and the constant filler, then the cases are pretty fun to investigate and the plot is still somewhat interesting. Though it must be said that I played this game with a friend and I don't know if I'd be able to handle the writing if I played this by myself.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2020
