I bought this game because it was well received by both veterans of the series and critics. After finishing the Leon's side of the game, I personally find the game overrated. As a sidenote, I consider myself a newcomer to the series.

- The game is not-so survival: I played this on 'Standard' difficulty and ammo/health items are in abundance removing all survival aspects. Even though I shot down every zombie I saw missing plenty of bullets, I never felt punished for being sloppy because I had a lot ammo left for all my guns. I'd argue that this is more of an action game, especially after you leave the police station.
- The game is not-so horror: of course, horror is subjective and what may not scare me may scare you. However, with an abundance of bullets and enemies barely being a threat, it was hard for me to feel scared or any horror despite playing in a dark room with loud headphone volume. Tyrant/Mr. X could've spiced up the horror, but again even they didn't feel like a threat as you can easily run past or if you get hit, there's so many health items available that it doesn't even matter. The game's great sound design is wasted if I know nothing will actually happen to me.
- The bosses are repetitive: it's either shoot until it dies or shoot the eyes that pop up. Every boss is like this.
- You're not really encouraged to explore and find out things on your own in this game. The game's map makes me feel like I'm cheating because it let's me know when I'm done with a room and also lets me know if I missed any items. It pretty much holds your hand and the game turns into a "okay this place is done checks map okay haven't been there let's just run there now". I'm not encouraged to find things on my own.

- Level design is great, especially in the police station where I love how everything is connected.
- You're not gonna get some amazing story, but despite that I liked the characters and the brief (very brief) relationship between Ada and Leon.

Overall: I just feel indifferent towards the entire experience of playing this game. I don't care enough to play Claire's part and frankly, I feel scammed because critics made this seem like a must play horror experience. It isn't.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2020
