+ What a surprisingly good game! A slow burn but the story was great for having so few lines of dialogue. Felt unique. Sound, score and animations are better than most games coming out. The gaming loop is basically solving area type puzzles to continue your journey. The good thing about it is there in no hand holding.
- Controls are average at best. Camera is not quite 3D third person action from PS1 era but also not great.
15 hours to beat story

+An excellent use of what is possible on the new dual sense. I’m expecting a lot from upcoming games just because what was accomplished in this game. Closest thing you can find to a Nintendo game on Playstation that’s not Nintendo. Wonderful experience and enjoyed the nostalgia of Playstation and the atmosphere.
- very short
Platinumed in 4 hours

+ Enjoyed a tad bit more than original Spiderman. Not sure what I was expecting what a Miles Morales character would be but really like what they did here.
Platinumed in 29 hours

+ Excellent combat. Sword fights are very rewarding. Borrowed best elements of Souls, Nioh and Assigns Creed.
+ Combat stances. Fun to use and adds depth to the sword play
+ Beautiful game. An environment I enjoyed be in every second.
+ Exploration is enjoyable. Lots of little things that really add to the game without over staying it’s welcome. Bamboo strikes, fox dens, shrines, etc.
+ Well executed side quest. Tied into game very well.
+ Mini bosses and unique NPCs have glorious battles.
+ Rewarding ending

—Stealth AI is lacking.
—Minor bugs. Very minor complaint