The best.

The graphics, revolutionising gameplay, dialogue, soundtrack everything about this game reaches what a GAME should be.

We play as the ''Chosen Undead,'' our lost, mentally and psychically, protagonist. We encounter, as the players, many dilemmas, but an infinite contrasted message reaches us: ''Don't you dare go hollow, my friend,'' This message is not only used as a purpose to cheer us on with our difficulty with the game but also serves as a whole existential purpose. In many instances throughout our lives, we encounter people who may be lost. Whether it be addiction, drugs, alcohol, pornography, generational trauma, mental struggles, anything, these people will eventually ''Go Hollow.''
Dark Souls one (in my opinion,) will forever be solidified by its existential, stoic narrative approach. This is evident in the way dialogue and the writing are presented, many instances: Our encounters with the bosses in the games and its whole ''never give up'' approach, the way Gwyn found his purpose through just a little flame, that one tiny purpose, that one thing turned into a whole universe. Dark Souls soundtrack is built upon titles, the purpose to characters, like the soundtrack. ''Gwyn, the lord of Cinder,'' ''Ceaseless discharge,'' ''Gravelord Nito,'' Plenty of bosses has ther own title, but at the end of the game in the credits ''The Nameless Song.'' The Chosen Undead, our main protagonist never has a presented ''main theme.'' So, I believe our protagonist's main theme was ''The Nameless Song,'' this within itself, as an existential message. We are nothing, we hold no title, nothing, but the Chosen Undead, someone who is conceived from nothing, beat all the ones with the titles. Dark Souls one is a masterpiece.

May we plin plin plon our way to our own meaning of life.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
