Fun game, Respawn did a good job with this one. Combat feels pretty good, environments looks straight out of the movies, and the boss fights feel varied. Certainly one of the best Star Wars games in recent memory.

Borderlands 3 is still a decent game, but it's by far the lowest point in the series. After slogging through the campaign, I didn't even want to play through endgame context. The story just sucked. The only saving grace this game had was the dope cell shaded graphics and awesome weapon variety. Hoping for more with BL4.

Playing this one when it first came out in 2011, I was MIND BLOWN. This was the game that really made me love video games. There is just nothing like slaying dragons, man. Skyrim is so deep and varied that every person has had a different experience playing it. Just one of the best games of all time and I'm so glad I picked this up when it first came out.

Having heard about this game for years, I was super excited to finally play it. It's certainly a fun game but I don't think it quite lives up to the hype. The combat is fun and the different bows keep it varied but the long traversal times from mission to mission make this game seem like a drag to get through. It doesn't help that the story has a very long low point throughout the middle. The game does pick up at the end and has a solid ending with a good boss fight. All in all, decent game that has potential for a much better sequel.

Not a Skater or anything but I believe Skate 3 is one of the best games of all time. Just a blast to get on with friends and do some crazy things that you wouldn't be able to do in real life. All the modes in this one are fun and the campaign is actually a blast to play through. I have had so many great times on this game. Eagerly awaiting the sequel.

Legitimately can't stand this game. So boring and toxic. I don't like CS:GO and this game is worse in every way. Don't understand how this game has such a large following.

One of the best games of all time. All the levels from every movie and every character you can think of. This game is comfort food for me and I will never stop replaying it every year. A faithful adaptation in LEGO form that hits at every level.

Straight up the most fun game you will ever play. Fantastic gameplay, great villains, and a lifelike New York City. Spider-Man is the game I grew up wishing existed and I'm so glad it exists now.

The first Battlefield game I ever played and what a surprise hit this game was. I picked it up in a sale shortly after launch not knowing to expect and I was hooked. The futuristic/modern setting is my favorite in a shooter and I loved the dynamic map feature. Gunplay is really tight and the maps are so big that every game is a different experience. This game is a MUST to play with friends though, it doesn't hit the same if you're not with a squad. Overall this is my favorite online shooter of the PS4/Xbox one generation.

Picked this up randomly not knowing if I would like it and so glad I did. I've not played anything like Civ before so this was a revelation for me. Building up an entire country is so fun. You can play this game a million different ways and it's always such a blast. I finally get what people mean when they say "one more turn" as I could not stop playing this.

Really fun multiplayer game. Online co-op mode is a blast if you're playing with someone. As a big Star Wars fan, playing this game is just really awesome. Great maps and playing as a Jedi/Sith is always fun.

So boring! Upset I bought this at launch, it was an almost instant regret about 6 hours in. I was like "oh wow this is kinda fun" for a few hours and then realized that there's almost nothing to this game. Like yeah, It's kinda relaxing but that's not what I'm looking for in a video game. If I want to play something relaxing, I'll play a sports game that at least has some strategy to it.

Stardew isn't fun. I gave this one as far a shot as any, but I just couldn't do it. The fact that you had to go back to sleep after making almost any progress was such a buzzkill. It just isn't for me but I will acknowledge it's a well thought out game.

SUPER FUN GAME! I have enjoyed smash my whole life and this game almost makes getting a switch worth it by itself. It's just a blast to play especially with friends/family. It doesn't hit the same online for me but local multiplayer is so fun. Awesome roster as well, so huge!

Probably the best Assassin's Creed game of the last generation. Really, really fun traversing Old England and playing as the twins. The last Assassin's Creed game where you can say you felt like a real Assassin. There's just nothing like Assassin's Creed when you're taking out hordes of enemies.