Just a really fun game with a great setting. Playing as a Samurai doesn't get old no matter how many times you're invading an enemy camp. The difference stances keep the game fresh at all times. Story is pretty good but nothing to write home about. One of the best open worlds out there so far and some really interesting side quests. Jin is a good protagonist and the game has a solid ending. Fun game and looking forward to the sequel.

Definitely fun to mess around in with friends. I use this game as a way to catch up with people while playing something that is pretty mindless. I've had a lot of good times on this game but it's by no means great. It's a good BR with a LOT of broken mechanics. People who spend a lot of time building are so annoying and it ruins the fun.

This game is the main reason I bought a switch. I have loved Mario Kart my entire life and this one is no different. It doesn't reinvent the wheel and it doesn't have to. The courses are pretty much perfect and this game is just fun to play whenever. I've played it with almost everyone ranging from ages 5 to 80 and everyone likes it. A huge hit.

A true return to form for Call of Duty after a long stretch of mediocrity. Nobody is going to say this is the best game of all time, but it is certainly feels much fresher than past games. The new engine ran great and gunplay felt much better than past games. I really liked this game.

Sekiro takes the usual From Software formula and turns it on it's head. An actual speaking protagonist with his own story in a From game? Just insane. Sekiro's combat is the most engaging I've ever tried in my life. The bosses in this game are as painful as expected, and that just makes the game even more fun. The setting, feudal Japan, oozes atmosphere and it feels perfect.

This game is decent. I wouldn't say it aged well but it still had its moments here and there. The banter between the main characters was cool but it wasn't anything special. The real reason anyone wants to play this game is because they like slaying aliens. Also, the lancer is a dope weapon.

Such a joy to play. This game was a huge part of my childhood. I LOVED playing as Sackboy and putting all sorts of different cosmetics on him. Where this game shined was the community levels. I remember playing things like wipeout, black ops, batman, and many other community built levels that were a huge part of what made this game special.

Fun game, but it's a driving game. It's really great to pick up once every few months, but it gets old after a couple days. Still fun to have in the collection whenever you get the itch, as I've gotten it multiple times throughout the past year.

Really fun game with a great setting. Being a tech genius in San Francisco just makes too much sense. Good protagonist, really fun and varied ways to complete missions, and just a fresh take on the open world genre. Using a drone and an RC car to complete missions is just straight up fun, and the weapons in this game are cool too. This one takes a page from the GTA playbook and it does it right.

This is the best game I have ever played. The most alive environments in a game, exceptional (albeit divisive) story, and tight gameplay. The Last of Us Part II hits on all cylinders at all times and hits the player with a ton of emotional scenes. Coming back to Ellie was a joy, she is in my opinion one of the best written characters of all time. When she plays "Take on Me" on the guitar is the most impactful scene that I've ever experienced.

As a massive fan of the first inFAMOUS, this hurt to give 2 stars. Delsin is just super cringe and the game was so boring. I really wanted to like this game but it sucked. Seattle is a cool setting but Delsin's powers weren't even fun to use.

As someone who preordered this game, I was extremely let down. I just didn't have anywhere near the amount of fun I had playing past Pokemon games. I appreciated some attempts at new mechanics but this game just didn't have the fun factor that I am used to from this series.

This game is a masterpiece. John Marston is probably my favorite protagonist of all time. For an older game, this holds up EXTREMELY well. Such a great story with a fantastic ending. The writers did a great job making you feel sympathy for an outlaw.

What a terrible sequel. This game didn't need a sequel at all and what we got was just a joke. It felt much shorter than the first game and had so much less depth. The only redeeming quality of this game is when StarKiller meets up with Yoda. Just a trash game that I was so disappointed in.

I remember this game blowing my mind as a kid. I don't remember too much about it but I had enough fun where it's certainly got a place in my heart. Going from DS Pokemon games to this was a crazy jump in young me's mind.