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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 19, 2024

First played

June 16, 2024

Platforms Played



This review contains spoilers

One of the worst video game experiences I've ever had. There's true, well-earned, difficult game design in souls-like titles and platformers like Celeste and Cuphead, and then there's the unearned, unfulfilling mess that games like these have the audacity to put you through.

Enemies go through walls, placements come out of nowhere, some weapons (flame and axe) are absolutely terrible to use, and enemy AI above ladders just forces you into a painful waiting experience for a good portion of your playtime.

If you're a staunch supporter of this game then you may be able to brush off the above complaints as a skill issue or not that big a deal, but not even the most zealous defender can turn a blind eye to the pure evil the developers do to you at the end.

If you beat the final boss WITHOUT using the shield weapon then you have to play through Stage 5 and Stage 6 again! So you grab the shield and beat the final boss once more!

You win! Right...?



You'll be told that the room is an illusion by Satan and that you must go through the ENTIRE game once more if you want the True Ending.

Absolutely nothing is different on the second playthrough from what I gathered. It's all the same. You go through it, reach Stage 6, grab the cross, and then beat the final boss with it...again.

Even if you only had to beat the game once.
Even if you could beat it with whatever weapon you please.
Even IF all the enemy placement, glitches, and weapons were fixed.
The game controls terribly.

Would rate it 0/5 if I could.