The pinball play was better than I was expecting! Sure there's some luck involved with how it bounces off of obstacles but it's never frustrating because there's a lot of thought into everything having its own sound effect and animation for getting hit.

The little secrets with the Mini Mushroom is a nice touch too, and I like that you can actually use the coins you gather at the item shop to encounter enemies differently. Glad I played it.

When it's actually a game about Where's Waldo it's actually pretty fun! But for SOME reason they thought it'd be pretty funny to throw in some random minigame in the Subway level where you can INSTA-die in Hard mode SO SCREWWWWWWWWWW THIS GAME
(the slots at the end sucked too but I pulled through gg)

I did NOT expect there to be as much substance in the gameplay for this as I first thought when going into it. You can do a super turbo 360 degree hang-tide no-scope kick-flip on the moon for 18,000 points. I missed out man, haha.


Best piece of crap I've ever played.

It's a short, cute game, which is fine! It doesn't try and bloat everything out and make it seem like it's something larger than it is. I appreciate that it respects the player's time in that regard.

Game runs poorly, art style is alright, music is eh, just kind of boring overall even after playing for just a little bit.

Some really stupid fun, but fun nonetheless. Play with friends for maximum entertainment.

Honestly just feels like a watered down Overwatch in almost every aspect, whether it be art style, sound design, movement, or (and I can't stress this enough) the level design. There's nothing memorable to me about the arenas and they lack memorable features.

This was SO much fun! Why oh WHY did Nintendo make this limited!? I loved seeing random enemies pop up in levels where they shouldn't be and targeting problem players. If only I could play it again.

Cute little game that didn't need to exist but does, thank you dino :)

Calling this game hard when its idea of difficulty is forcing you to go back to World 1 or lose a life because you found a secret area is a disservice to games that have well-designed difficulty. This is just flat-out unfair in a lot of parts, not fun.


It' I guess...just lacking the charm I expect Mario games to have. Like cool I can grow big in a match, but what else? Mario Power Tennis CLEARRRRRRRRSSSSSS