When I think about Dark Souls 1, I FEEL Dark Souls 1. When I think about Dark Souls 2, I FEEL Dark Souls 2.
When I think about Dark Souls 3, I feel Dark Souls 1 again.

I like a lot of stuff here that is unique to this game. The best posion swamp in any Souls game, everything involving the Boreal Valley, the masterful ending, all wicked. But honestly, the phrase that sticks out in my head the most when I remember this game is "I get it."

Yeah yeah, dragons on the bridge, I get it. Yeah it's Anor Londo again, I get it. Yeah it's the onion fucker I get it.

I spent a good portion of my playthrough waiting to grasp that unique feeling each soulsbourne game offers. Demon's Souls, DS1, and DS2 all felt wildly different from one another. But DS3? I never really felt like this game has an identity of its own. That's probably not an issue to most people, but I was a bit let down.

I appreciate the fluidity, the bosses, the settings, and the best story of the trilogy, but what DS3 has over DS2 is balanced out by that lack of identity imo. I can't really say I prefer one over the other. I haven't done the DLC yet though, and that always ends up being my favorite part of these games, so things could change.

Update: Done with DLCs, my thoughts stayed roughly the same

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2022
