Definitely the worst Soulsborne DLC. Two okay at best bosses and a pretty worthless area to explore.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2022


?? Okay at best? Friede is one of the best bosses ever
when it comes to souls games at least

2 years ago

I can't say I cared for it. The first phase is nothing, the second phase is a worse Ornstein and Smough, and the third phase I just could not understand her moves. I died a couple times and used the Gael summon to see how it would feel and it became the easiest boss in the entire game. It really did nothing for me

2 years ago

that person clearly never fought the pulsating pimple if they think friede is one of the best bosses ever

2 years ago

The fly garbage pile though

That moment is quite the pulse for people with fobias lmao
Huge L then

2 years ago

Comparable L to enjoying games made by racists

2 years ago

@The_Shrekcher true and based top 5 you have there