I got a PS5 so I did another 50 hour playthrough with a stupid gimmick: Every time I pick up a weapon/armor/spell/consumable/etc. I have to roll to see if I'm forced to use it until the next successful roll. It was fun because I instinctively pick up every item without thinking about it so I kept switching myself off of good shit and had to upgrade garbage just to get through the next area

Here's my full rules:
On pickup of new WEAPON/SHIELD/SPELL
- If requirements are within 3 levels
- 50% chance of use
- If requirements are more than 3 levels away
- 25% chance of use
- Successful roll requires usage
- Replaces oldest armament in use

- 50% chance of use
- Successful roll requires usage
- Replaces oldest in use

On pickup of new CONSUMABLE
- 50% chance of use
- Failed roll prohibits use for entire game

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2022


1 year ago

he did not use the bubble horn fyi, invalid run

1 year ago

Maybe if it was a bubble gun or a bubble trebuchet I would consider it