Time to write something about my favorite digital boardgame. This is so much fun when you play it with others! I also own the actual board game with all add ons and it's indeed a faithful digital version of it. I played 170 hours with different friends and so far all of them but one came back for more. Unfortunately, we had small problems with certain card abilities, which might have been bugs... but considering how HUGE this game is these errors did not appear on a regular base. Being able to save your game and continue it later is also very useful. Our sessions usually last between 5 and 12 hours.

Talisman can be intimidating at first. So let me explain two important things:

- The surprise elements make this game fun, but can be frustrating. So it might be good to know that you can actually learn to avoid many deadly traps by paying attention (usually I die because of being too careless), finding the right strategy and not rushing into risky decisions. Sure, you will never be 100% safe, but Talisman is not as luck dependend as I thought when I first started playing it. You can actually learn to get better and that's what I love about it. It forces you into chaotic situations and it feels so good when you survive them.

- The DLC is sometimes criticized because there is so many of it. But much of it is based on the actual boardgame add ons, so I understand why it's there. It's really cheap in comparison and often on sale. The DLC is actually worth a look if you enjoy the main game, especially the four big DLCs which introduce new areas. They make Talisman much more intersting. When you play with friends only one of you needs the DLC anyway. I haven't tested the exclusive digital content though.

From a technical point of view this game might not deserve 4,5 stars, but I rate the fun multiplayer experience I have with it.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2023
