It’s Puyo Puyo, but not at the same time! Which makes it somewhat aggravating if you’re used to Puyo Puyo. Like the other hebereke SNES games though, this one has a bangin soundtrack.

Surprisingly fun little arcade-y game with a couple of obscure Sanrio characters thrown in like uh…raccoon and uh…human boy.

Basically slightly worse Dr. Mario. Bangin soundtrack though.

A perfectly serviceable bomberman game. The sequence late in the game where you have to fight other bombermen is kind of annoying to me (especially since if you lose you have to go back to the last boss fight!) but overall it’s not a bad time.

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This is basically a walking sim for the Super Famicom, but I love the calm atmosphere and the overall ~vibes~ of the game. I was a little annoyed at some parts (the game doesn’t make it super obvious when you need to talk to someone more than one time in a row), but it wasn’t enough to dissuade me from finishing the game. I loved the end of the story where the main character follows Miyazawa on the Galactic Railroad. I actually ended up buying a collection of short stories by Miyazawa after completing the game as well.

Super Puyo Puyo, but it’s Kirby and he’s a little bastard. I’d like this better if it were based on the (superior) Puyo Puyo 2 but for what it is it’s cute and the graphics and sound are nice.