it's shocking how easily this game manages to triumph over the first; but then again, maybe it's not. with how many new, brain-melting design choices are added here, it's hard not to get swept up in just how GOOD this game is!

it's clear that portal 2 was made with the intent of actual full game quality, seeing as the original was just a part of the orange box, sandwiched between the hot team-based shooter on the block and the game practically every gamer was treating like christ at the time (now with two expansions!). it's clear portal was more of a showcase of what valve can REALLY get up to; essentially, a 3 hour tech demo with a nice little story to go along with it.

come back 4 years later, and that tech demo got a sequel that's anything BUT a tech demo: now with double the story, double the mechanics, double the players, and single the custom test chambers. there's something beautiful about how they just were NOT fucking around here, genuinely. the way this tech demo went from fun mechanical stuff to a heartbreaking story of tests and how far humans wish to go just for science... it's a masterpiece. i can't deny it.

now can we all agree glados & chell are just doomed toxic yuri

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
