1 Review liked by adam_

what do you do dracula

edit for more serious review: What does RPG mean to you? Swords? XP? For me, and I can only imagine others feel similarly, RPG increasingly means the chance to brainstorm and terraform with friends. When my friends and I meet for RPGs, we aren't beholden to the tropes or strict rules of someone else's idea. We make it, we use it, we enjoy it. Us alone.

There are many reasons why I love this game, but to highlight the most minute (and beautiful) one: no game captures the chaotic specificity of a friendly tabletop campaign better than Space Funeral. Those who know the feeling must see bits of their friend group in the ridiculous names and on-the-spot dialogue. TTRPGs rarely exhibit the grandiosity that high-budget video games sell to you, but you know what they do have? Horses made out of legs.

In Space Funeral, there is a combat action called "Mystery" that causes something completely random to happen. I've been a GM to several campaigns at this point, and boy, let me tell you: there's no button that people love to press more than that one.