I can't give it a rating yet as I've not finished it but the difficulty spike in this from the main game is astronomical! Exploring the island as Amy, Knuckles and Tails was great fun despite some technical issues (the camera when Knuckles is gliding is a bit of a nightmare).

As soon as I got to playing as Sonic and trying the cyberspace levels I hit a wall. They're so difficult they require a lot of time to trial and error them and find the best route, not to mention all the collectables in each level.

Then there's the towers you need to climb. I only managed one before I drifted off playing this. They're so fiddly and one mistake can mean starting from the very beginning again. As much as I loved Frontiers, the intricate platforming was not its strong suit, so to rely so heavily on it in this update is a really weird choice.

I want to come back to this at some point and finish it but I've got too many other games to play to stick with this and keep getting frustrated at this time.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
