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when i first started the game on release, i was left pretty bored, which is my usual experience with bethesda games... it was lacking the charm.
i came back to it 3 days ago, played it modded and finished it. already started a fresh playthrough!

honestly, the story is fun! multiverse stuff really tickles a certain spot for me. it can get pretty boring at times though. i loved the companions (sam coe my beloved space cowboy husband and sarah morgan my beloved nerdy british wife) as they were fun and they were all different enough so it didnt feel as if i was getting the same thing but repackaged. the planet exploring thing could genuinely be better, especially when it comes to finding the artifacts. it got boring repeating the formula of 'Land on Planet filled with Spacers/Pirates at an outpost - Clear the outpost - Go down cave - Find artifact :D' after your encounters with the other companions (EX: finding Andreja when going to search for another artifact... at the beginning).
A thing about the companions I liked a lot was that the progression towards the relationship felt actually normal. Not rushed at all. The only part in which it got rushed for me was when Sam wanted to marry me only like 12 hours after me and him started dating. lovestruck bastard :)
A problem with them tho is that they follow the classic Bethesda formula of U have gained my approval. We are now dating. We are now married. Yay. I wish there was more to it other than just a commitment gift, some new dialogue options and just getting called 'love' when I talk to them. That might just be me though :')

Personally, I'd recommend giving the game another shot again, although Bethesda did fuck this up and relied on people fixing up their messes... yet again. (Nobody is shocked.)
The boring moments are worth getting through to get to the ones in which you might, like me, audibly go 'WHAT THE FUCK!'. Sadly though, too many boring moments.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024
