Super, super fun gameplay. This game was perfect for me as someone who is always riddled by school work and doesn't have the proper time to actually invest into speedrunning. I've also been a longtime fan of the speedrunning scene, so it was fun to dig my shoes into it! If you want to try your hand at speedrunning or maybe are just looking for some fast paced action, you've found it.

The dialogue in this is... interesting. It feels anime-y and the voice actors delivered on that feeling. I mostly just skipped the dialogue. LOOOOOOOVE the artstyle, though! Also the story, while ignored by most as speedrunning is the focus, is pretty neat! I recommend checking out a video on it or maybe paying attention to it in game. Whatever tickles your fancy.

Edit: I only found out about this game because I heard that Machine Girl did the soundtrack for it. My goats <3

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024
