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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 6, 2024

Platforms Played


Yeah, sorry, I know Batlle & Chase has a few fans, but I’m not quite sure how. Some decent fanservice going on, I suppose, and I like the illustrated, animated driver portraits. I also love the concept of a Mega Man kart racer on its face. That’s about all this has going for it. Unfortinately, this is a kart racer where it feels like you’re controlling the track itself instead of a kart. All of the tracks feel like they came out of a first grader’s notebook, too. As far as I could tell, you also have to hit 10 obstacles in between each weapon pickup to free up your slot again? Who came up with this shit? A couple of points for some originality, but little more than a participation trophy. Battle & Chase is unattractive, hollow slop that shoots for Mario Kart 64 and ends up somewhere closer to South Park Rally.