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This is MY time with Hollow Knight, if you're searching for the review, search for that part at the bottom of this paragraph
Ah, Hollow Knight. A simple little successful indie game from the people at Team Cherry. In this little indie game, I've spent 160+ hours now, no mods or anything, just the base game. My story with this game is kinda funny since I first found it way earlier ( early 2020s I'd say) when I was browsing for Game Pass games, it looked cool, so, I gave it a go! And it turns out, I got bored. I got stuck at Myla's room since I had no idea how to break that shaky ground and I did not think of just, yk, going back; and so, I left. A pair of years later I once again found it in the GP catalogue (I was already burnt out of online stuff, so I encountered myself visiting the catalogue often, but was not determined enough to try out games. Yep, makes sense) and I had heard that this is such a great game and well, a lot of praises about it. So I once again downloaded it and I could never leave it. So I did leave it anyway when I finished the Dream No More ending on 11/07/22. I came back a month later (07/08/22) to finish the first 2 Panths. and then leave again lmfao. Almost 3 months later (30/10/22) I started my quest to get all the achievements and I finished it all on the same month (24/11/2022). All but 2 achievements: "Pure Completion" & "Embrace the Void"; I was able to complete the first one since I already had the 112% but I refused to finish the game (since finishing it (get any ending) is a requirement to obtain the trophy) in a way I already did. And sorry but there's no way I'm getting the flower across the whole map so the only other ending (and achievement) on my way was Pantheon 5: The Pantheon of Hallownest. After LOTS of tries, I gave up. And 4 months later (17/03/23) I did it. I beat P5. But I didn't, I used an invencibility glitch since I wasn't having fun and the only thing keeping me there was the achievement (I kept dying at Markoth or beyond, so I spent most of the time in easy bosses until 1 or 2 hard ones arrived and threw all my time to the trash). And so I 100%ed the game...

If you were to ask me why did I love the game so much at first, I really couldn't answer you without thinking a bit, which makes me think about how I spent my time playing and loving this game without even noticing what I like about it.. And that, if you ask me, is something special not every game can acomplish.
Now that I've thought about it and watched hundreds of videos about the game, I can say what I liked about it:
The lore. The music. The gameplay. The characters. The love. The bosses and enemies. The art. All of these elements form a grand orchestra (this game) in a very meaningfull and fun way. I'd like to share my specific thoughts in each of those elements c:

I really don't want to extend a lot into the actual lore since it is quite long, but, I will say that the way the game connects you into its world by just passing through and noticing little details about the same old fallen kingdom of Hallownest is awesome. This makes it so not only you are now into its story but its overall structure and meaning behind it. Everything has a reason and you'll find it either by reading in-game content or just walking through another related part.
And even though I initially skipped all the text and lore and then watch videos about it (which I recommend doing AFTER finishing the game and noticing all the things you can by yourself), I did feel connected with the world and its surroundings. So I will be giving this one a 9.5/10 since it is easy to lose information either because it is well hidden or just because you don't feel like reading.

Cristopher Larking is the mastermind behind all the OST, and what he did is remarkable... All the praise I've given to the overall world has a lot to do with what this music does with, well, the world. Adjusting to not just every area and moment but to your feelings, making every single discovery special and relaxing while also encouring you to keep going. There are even tracks that tell the story of the kingdom in just notes, and it is hard to find in-game so I recommend to check out "Pale Court" in the OST :). I'm giving this one a 10/10

It is difficult but rewarding. Fun but meant to be taken as serious shit. The progression is also very noticeable and honestly much of the game feels "hard" much because of lack of knowledge, which ofc you gain through time. The bosses are all different & unique. Hard but fair (all but Markoth. Fuck Markoth) just as all the other enemies. There is a wide variety on playstyles thanks to charms, which is always welcome and I really recommend trying all the combinations you can. There are even secret combos!
As some say, the combat in general feels like easy to learn but hard to master (which is necessary if you want the Platinum). I'm giving this one a 9.8/10

They are all equally amazing and each has their own great things that make them interesting and important in your save file. They all have a story to tell and are willing to. Some of them will join you across your journey, but some others only if you decide to save them. I'm giving this one a 9.5 since there are things you can miss if you don't replay the game.

There is not much to say about this, it just feels as a game created by people WANTING to create the game in order for us to have fun, not for them to get money. Every single part of Hollow Knight is full of love and depth which makes it always worth to complete. There is always a meaning for everything and secrets all around the map! I'm giving this a 100/10. The devs love it as much as we do.

This game is awesome and completely worth to play. Every part of it feels complete and made with care. Its price makes it accesible and it even has a big modding community :). I recommend this game to everyone, but I understand that it isn't made for everyone. So try it! and do it until you are certain that you are not missing out. I'm giving the game a 9.8, I love it and it is and will remain as one of my favorite games ever.
Thanks :)

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2023
