3 reviews liked by adr1s4nn

This game is definitely no masterpiece. That said, it's about as good as it could be for a home lightgun shooter. Its representation of different memorable moments from the core games is aesthetically faithful; this is particularly impressive since it is mostly translating lovingly crafted 2d backgrounds into fully 3d environments. Gameplay-wise, it has some consistency problems when it comes to difficulty. Some enemies are just way, way too spongey. Most of the boss fights, however, are a treat, though it'd be nice if more of them felt more puzzley and less like rote endurance tests.

Last note - The reused score pieces from the original games are obviously top-notch, but almost all of the new music is awful. There is this one funky track in particular that just feels wildly out of place -- I get that it's a fun co-op shooter but even Carn-Evil felt spookier than this does most of the time.