13 reviews liked by agentfluffy

This game was as good as the latinx taco I just made

gifted this to my homie and he told me to kill myself

i got my little sister to race with me so i could get all the achievements. most shameful moment of my life

The feelings I have for this game are similar to those I have for mario land: it's amazing that they managed to make this run on the Gameboy.

This game in particular excels in aesthetic and personality: it has a very distinct and clear art direction, which is an admirable thing for a tiny portable game. Unfortunately it is a bit too simplistic, and it lacks a real gameplay hook, as in the ability-copying mechanic that Kirby has in future games. This first entry is just a cute, simple platformer, with unremarkable mechanics, somewhat dodgy controls, and a lot of heart. A solid enough foundation for the soon-to-be flourishing Kirby franchise.

MF would ask you if your character faked their death in Switzerland during the Gulf War when he knows full well you are just thinking Boblin the Goblin for the third time today

Removing the option to club seals is woke SJW pandering

competitive gen 4 players when i starve their family for years (suddenly they dont like stall strategies)

Amazing horror game up to a certain point. The first half is legitimately terrifying and something very worth replaying often. The ship section was fine, but anything after the main house doesn't really have the charm the first parts of the game had. Still a great entry regardless.