Log Status






Time Played

22h 20m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 10, 2022

Platforms Played


Resident Evil 4 cranks everything unique to Resident Evil up to eleven, but it also boasts new elements inspired by contemporary action games like Metal Gear Solid. This installment has some of the slickest gunplay ever put in a video game, with particular emphasis being placed on precision, reaction time, strategic positioning of the player character, and maintaining crowd control. There are ineffective plot elements, audiovisual shortcomings, and complete submission to campy action tropes—but those aspects are completely washed away by the downpour of lead, blood, and slimy appendages. There is no analog in other video games to the feeling you get in Resident Evil 4 when you explode a villager's head with a Mauser C96 handgun.