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1 day

Last played

August 8, 2023

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posits that even if humanity is irrevocably fucked, even with an end of the world seemingly approaching, it is worth making the changes for our own betterment. it is worth trying to reconstruct from the embers, even in the shadow of an apocalypse, and it is worth forging connections with others. there is value even in the wreckage of humanity, and we will always have the capacity to rebuild from whatever we have left. our links to others are what define and strengthen us throughout our darkest hours. every bit of tedious gameplay is forgivable when confronted with what it serves; the idea that connection is necessary no matter the lengths one goes to.

optimism about the human condition asides, it is also shocking how empathetic this game is on a more minute scale. characters who are set up as villains are treated with such emotional fidelity and have complexity to their actions (there is one exception but i imagine his development is being saved for the second strand type game). the cast of characters are all so memorable and usually quite easy to connect with. malingen, die-hardman, fragile, heartman, etc. clifford unger would have to be my favourite though - mads mikkelsen knocks it out of the park, and his character arc is perhaps the most poignant out of everything here.

admittedly, this game is messy at points, yet that adds a certain endearing nature to it. the sincerity here is something you hardly ever come by. it's so wonderfully dedicated to itself and the story/themes it carries out that i can pardon a few irritating moments here and there. optimistic and earnest and unbelievably human through and through. i cannot thank kojima enough.