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I'm not sure that here even should be a separate page for this game cause technically, it's an update and rebranding rather than a new game. So we can call overwatch 1.5

I'm a big fan of O1 cause it's a perfect example of how blizzard nails the game-making philosophy - easy to learn, hard to master.

I like characters, attention to detail, design, variety, complexity-accessibility, and overall fun.

Even after 6 years of release, I've been playing overwatch from time to time when I didn't have time for another run in Bloodborne or DS or a lengthy Sony story-driven game.

Main changes - now we have 5 heroes instead of 6.
Minus one tank. Fewer shields, more DPS.
Bloodborne vs DS3.

I'm not sure that I'm into this change. What I liked in O1 was strategy, team play and tactics. Here the game is leaning into a more individual approach and less reliance on the team.
Not my cup of tea.

Second - who the fuck decided to put some heroes behind the paywall? WTF?

And third - from a pure art history perspective, I don't feel like replacing O1 with O2 is a good idea. What about preserving the games as an art form? Or it's not an object of art anymore but just a service?