I don't get why an indie game costs like a AAA one. wtf?

Updated in 2024: when I booted it back after I played Valhalla DLC for GoW Ragnarok and had to calm down my itching for a rogue-like.

Few notes:
It’s a really good rogue like action game with great gameplay and really really thick atmosphere.
If you liked Alien Covenant - this game is for you.

The music and soundscapes are superb. I believe
I placed it as the best soundtrack for backloggd GOTY 2021 list.

Art direction and overall tone are great and unique.

The only downside is the lack of a meaningful progression system like in Hades.

Reviewed on May 19, 2021


3 years ago

Maybe because this is a AAA game. Everything here is AAA quality, how is this an indie game?

1 year ago

indie story