1575 Reviews liked by andrewsgameblog

It plays good for a Mario Kart game of its time, but I am not digging the concept of sharing a kart with another character! Still a solid racing game!

more fun than 64! the vibes of the gamecube are so great in here and i find the double team mechanic interesting! you gotta switch them up if you wanna get 2 abilities unless you run into a double-stacked item box, and the stages are better! would recommend!

Double Dash is awesome. I'm not as good at it as I'd like to be, especially when compared to other MK games, but it's still a dang good time. Having two characters on a kart was a super cool idea that I'm honestly surprised hasn't been revisited since, even as a side mode. Having two characters essentially means two items at once that you can choose between, adding a nifty layer of strategy to the mix.

Insanely fun MarioKart with a unique mechanic that I feel can only be imitated, but never replicated again. Only downside to the game is it's lackluster tracklist compared to modern games in the series. Thankfully, each track is unique and fun, exploring vibrant areas of the Mario world. Overall amazing game.

shelved only because i want to go into at least some of it blind if i ever decide to stream this game

but wow. people think lost levels is bad? because, uh, this game honestly makes it look as well-designed and fair as the original

lost levels may be hard, but there's a very thoughtful, deliberate design to it that provides some of my favorite levels from any mario game.

this? its decisions are often off-putting, baffling as someone used to vanilla smb. firebars are out of sync, there's one-block gaps placed with almost no rhyme or reason, and there's enough placement changes to completely throw me off and make me die in places i never would in the original.

i've got to stream this just to show how absolutely bamboozled it makes me. like, wow. i'm in shock.

...but it's a super mario bros. game. i'm too masochistic with these to give it anything lower than a 3, honestly.

I've never been a huge fan of the original Super Mario Bros. Is that a hot take? Like don't get me wrong, it's not like the impact it did for gaming was a bad thing or anything as it would bring many more amazing games for the series and genre. But the original has just never been for me personally. This Arcade version is even worse if you ask me.

This is basically the NES/Famicom version but some levels are changed up to be a little different. Oddly enough it seems some of it is similar to Japan's sequel Super Mario Bros. 2. I can't remember if it's true but I heard this helped inspired the team to make that game but comment if that's wrong because my memory is bad.

I'm not really sure if making some of these levels harder was the right choice. The game also pulls some cruel tricks on you like removing the method to do the 1-up trick, changing the route on the 7-4 maze slightly, and there was even one point I got softlocked on one of the castle levels by being on the ceiling. It still is Super Mario Bros. at the end but I can't say it's worth your time outside of a curiosity. It only had one official release outside of the Arcade which was the Switch's Arcade Archives release so you'll have to get it there.

I mean it's Super Mario Bros with a few twist in the level designs as well as having a competitive aspect to it (assuming you are playing with someone else as intended)

I really need to plan better the first games I'm playing this year

Anyway, it's the same game from the NES, but with the stages tweaked to be harder since it's an arcade game (and Fire Mario's overalls and hat are yellow instead of white)

It's an interesting way to play if you already have beaten the first one. It's harder, but not as hard as Lost Levels. Aside one blind jump, I've didn't find any bullshit on the level design

Pretty much what I expected from an arcade port of Super Mario Bros.

Changes were made in some levels, to take advantage of the coin-hungry machines of the era. Oddly enough, I don't think the original game had a "continue" feature after losing all of your lives; this one is locked behind a paywall.

Same thing but much more difficult, as expected from any arcade game. This is nowhere near as fun as the original in my opinion, I just don't really like most of these new levels, but it's still solid

A fun remix of the classic Super Mario Bros that spices it up with new harder levels, which would be reused in the Lost Levels, and other tweaks to the existing levels to make it all a bit tougher. Anyone experienced with the original console version should give this a shot as it gives it a little extra challenge that the original is lacking after so many playthroughs.

Some alternate universe version of the mario that made Nintendo bang or whatever but all of that is soured for me by the fact that I bought this shit only a week before nintendo announced they were puttin the damn thing on switch online and i think thats my specific pinpoint moment where ive actually wanted someone mortally injured bc of capitalism specifically

Vs. Super Mario Bros. is a version of Super Mario Bros. that combines stages from the first game and its sequel The Lost Levels, making for an adventure that starts out enjoyable but ends frustrating. If you're one of those people that likes less-than-fair challenges in their platformers, look no further than this game. For everyone else, you're probably better off playing something more balanced.