I don’t know if I’ll complete this, but it is a very good game. Delivers as a Jedi sim for when that Star Wars itch needs a scratch. Some of the soulslike elements are skin deep.

A short, tighter experience for a Metroid game, and perhaps an over calibration from the normal formula. Minimal backtracking, you know where you need to go. It is also one of the easiest. That being said, between the clever world design, soundtrack, gameplay, and that eerie vibe, this is an impeccable game and an accessible entry into the series. The penultimate chapter is also a terrifying highlight (of sorts) that was a clear inspiration for the horrifying EMMI of Dread.

I first played the Phoenix Wright series on the DS and instantly adored it. If you are a sucker for court / cop procedurals, the Ace Attorney games are what you always wanted, now with added courtroom animations and an extremely peppy bimbo Sherlock.