8 reviews liked by anothersonatine

It's alright, but not that interesting overall. Some good performances, but the story isn't that compelling and the presentation style is just awkward.
Would have probably been better served as a movie. Angela Sarafyan is my one true love.

I would become a detective too if it meant I could solve picross puzzles all day

I had fun. The story and characters arent that engaging and it has a very positive view of the police, but it's nice at times. The gameplay is just picross with a visual novel and i like picross so i enjoyed it yea

Silly story, but good picross puzzles.

It's a fun pikcross game with a cute 90s aesthetic. The story feels like something out of a police procedural rather than a case that the viewer can solve, but overall it's fun enough.

A mediocre script. Better play Her Story.

Бездарный сценарий. Поиграйте лучше в Her Story.

This game was not really what i expected. The writing and acting where great. The UI was clunky and i felt was worse than Her Story, And the pauses between talking kinda took me out of it. I understand why but when clips are like 4 minutes and you fast forward for a minute just to find out they said good bye at the end kinda got annoying. The story was cool but nothing insane.