2 reviews liked by antimagination

Not great but nice game. Has the energy of a newgrounds or cereal box game from the basic gameplay and budget graphics that I find really endearing. A bunch of the steam reviews mention they played this when they were a child and that just feels kind of sweet, like this is such a "played on my Dad's 2005 Windows XP computer, where the only other games were Lego Island and The Sims" type game and I like that.

It also doesn't feel like its wasted too much of my time. Other similar games like Vampire Survivors will advertise itself with "Over 50 hours of content!" but I think this kind of mindless, number go up gameplay just gets depressing after a few hours and I reached the end of this game's campaign just before that feeling was setting in.

i got it for 39p on steam and it's called 'Alien Shooter' that kind of sums it up honestly

The premise behind this is pretty fun but middling combat and brutal RNG hold it back and make it wear then rather quickly