Loved it as a kid and love it even more today. All the little intricacies of the characters' relationships with each other and the town went completely over my head when I was young! Short, sweet, and incredibly charming—if you skip the postgame, which I did, and I thank myself every day for it.
If this is a bite-sized Boku no Natsuyasumi, then I'm super excited to check out the series proper.

I feel the need to say you should not get this version of this game. But it is the one I played as a kid + revisited recently, so even with its many issues its very near and dear to my heart. A farming sim unlike any other I've ever played — this game is honestly more like a boku no natsuyasumi game than most other Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games, and I think that's absolutely to its benefit. It is at once brisk and ambling—while its ingame years are shorter than your average farming sim, this is in service to its in-depth exploration of the passage of time. Getting married and having a child are key early game events, but as time goes on, your child grows, as do other children in the town. Your neighbors age, and in time, pass — the Valley's inhabitants come and go as their lives unfold alongside yours. A Wonderful Life is a game that breathes, and invites you not to shape its world, but to exist within it. It's clunky, it's dated, it looks and runs horrendously, but I don't even care. There will never be a Harvest Moon game crafted more to my sensibilities than this one.

...Well, other than the remake that lets you be gay.