I had seen some people play parts of this in the past, and frankly I wasn't expecting to like this game. The setting didn't really seem like something I'd like, the characters were goofy, I wasn't expecting much. To my surprise, I ended up really liking this game. I think out of all the Final Fantasy games I've played, this one has the best world building. I completely understood not only the struggle the characters were going through but how their society evolved to reach that point and what their motivations were on a macro scale, I really like it. I also really like the combat and leveling system of this game; anytime a game branches away from the plain old EXP yields levels yields a stat boost system, I'm a fan. You can switch out party members on the fly based on the enemies? Great! There's a leveling system where you can branch off to prioritize the ability and stat upgrades you want? Great! There are a few downsides. Some of the characters were a bit goofy, particularly Tidus and Yuna, and I think most of that is due to their poor voice direction. Also, while the 'main' villain of Jecht/Sin is really interesting, I found Seymour to be horribly bland and vastly overstayed his welcome.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2023
