I've lost count how many times I replayed this game back in my Fire Emblem Tellius phase. I loved the HELL out of this game. It was my first FE and I chose to play it specifically because of one character in it; and no, it was not Ike or Smash that did it. At one point, I even speedran this game's Easy Mode on Twitch regularly. My best time ended up being 2hr 49mins before I stopped.

Looking back now; God, the story has so much wrong with it. The silly blood pact, the too short Part 2 and overrated development of Elincia (and of her character), the Gary Stu in Ike amplified and massive rewind on his character development from PoR, Micaiah being put in the background, the horrid support convo system; the list just goes on.

These things I pray do hope are very much touched up properly when it's future remake finally comes.

Yet why do I give it 3 stars? Because for all that and its availability issues with units; there's a reason why I replayed it so damn much back in the day; the gameplay.

It was just so fun to try different kinds of runs and challenges with picking different units to train under availability thresholds; and overall, the game was just fun to replay. I enjoyed most of the maps (we don't talk about 3-E and that fucking bridge though)-- and I still vouch it has the best skill system to this day, even after FE3H.

And now that I've finally worked out FE10 Rando... I can replay this game with new twists, laughter and in a new way of replay value unlike before; I give a big shoutout to LordMewtwo and whoever has helped him on this effort.

This game is still near and dear to my heart even now; and I'm starting to learn to love it; and the FE series again outside of the disaster that is FEH; and even more the disaster that is it's absolute tumulus and terrible fandom.

Reviewed on May 27, 2021
