This review is outdated. I'm choosing to leave it up for the sake of preserving my previous opinion on it. My current review can be found at the following link:

fun to goof around in but ultimately pretty shallow, especially as an rpg. I wish this game actually had dialogue options rather than railroading you into a specific character. of course, there are multiple endings but you can't really make v a fundamentally different person on your way towards them which sucks super hard. it's kind of sad that new vegas did the whole thing better 10 years ago. yes, that game is far less detailed than cyberpunk but y'know what? less is more sometimes and new vegas actually ends up feeling like more a lot of the time. I see it the same way I see telltale games. role playing games aren't about getting radically different outcomes, but rather the kind of person you choose to be on your way there. this game has too much going on in all the wrong places and not enough time was spent on any of it. no amount of post launch updates can redeem an underwhelming main quest and cyberpunk definitely does not whelm.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2022
