The same amazing level design from the first two, but with more creative twists on the formula. It does start to, worryingly, feel a little closer to absolution in the third mission, but the linear, story centric parts (all fantastic) are all in the beginning and end of each mission, and from your second playthrough on, the cinematic openings are skipped by default (though you can change back to original starting location if you wish) and more mission exit options are given, allowing you to bypass the linear endings.

As an individual game and conclusion to the trilogy it's absolutely fantastic, as an entire package with the entire "World of Assassination" trilogy and all previous DLC, it's easily one of the greatest games of all time, and I hope it will be treated and remembered as such into the future.

it took me far to long to play this all the through, but I'm glad I finally did. I'm a huge fan Tim Schafer and 3D platformers are one of my favourite genres, so I knew I was going to like this, but I was still blown away.

As genius and creative as you'd expect from Schafer, and his collaborators from previous and subsequent projects bring their a-game as always.

I experienced a few crashes and a lot of minor issues, but for the most the part the game still ran pretty well.

No matter how many times I play this it never gets old, Ron Gilbert is an absolute genius and one the greatest designers of all time. Doesn't hurt he's got Tim Schafer and Dave Grossman co-writing and designing this one with him too.

This was my first time playing through the original 16-colour floppy version all the way, probably my preferred version now, though the added ambience in the CD version is welcome due to the lack of music through much of the floppy versions. The EGA graphics still look great, while the 256-colour version can look a bit bland at times and the special edition too far removed from the original art, though I can't really complain about the sound in any of the PC versions.

A fun little tech demo, and I can't wait to see what Gilbert does next with his great new engine.

Monkey Island 2 is one of my all time favourite games, so this had a lot to live up to. It's not Monkey Island 3, but it is a new game from Ron Gilbert, and it's just as good his classics.

Gilbert and Winnick have crafted something absolutely fantastic here, surpassing their previous joint effort and one of the best adventure games I've played. The design is smart, the writing is hilarious and it has one of the cleverest ending's to a game I've experienced.