2 reviews liked by arrow_heads

It’s so cringe when the creators of games like this think it’s hilarious every time they reference sex or bdsm. I am absolutely certain the creator of this game and the creator of Vall-Halla are around the age of 14.

Being trans is hard.
If it's not someone being hostile just because we exist, then it's ourselves putting up non-existent obstacles that can only get worse depending on our self-esteem and self-confidence.

one night, hot springs stars Haru, a rather shy and introverted trans girl who just wants to live without bothering others, but today she has to go to the public hot springs because it's her best friend Minami's birthday.
Naturally, the hot springs are divided by gender, which naturally causes anxiety for our protagonist.
"Should I put my name and legal gender?" "What if they see me?" "Is it really okay to be here on a girls-only trip?" are so many of the questions Haru asks herself inside her head. With 7 different endings of a rather short duration, our protagonist faces such imaginary obstacles that her own head makes her suffer.

A very nice experience that won't take too much time out of your day and that I will always remember when such imaginary obstacles invade my mind and want to make me feel bad.
If you are not a trans person I still recommend it, as I feel it is positive to be able to understand even more how the people around you feel and how can you help.